EMCS – Coming out of Fallback
Please note this if you do not use the EMCS Module, please disregard this post.
There have been several issues with the update of EMCS to EMCS 4 since Monday 19th August 2024. Due to these issues, the e-Customs system has been in Fallback, to allow your goods to continue moving.
As the issues are not impacting ALL movements, some system changes have been made to allow you to manually send under Fallback when required. This will allow the unaffected entries to process as normal.
Please advise your users on when to use the Fallback option.
The system will be taken out of fallback at 10:30 this morning.
What You Need to Do
If you are receiving a Functional Error or a Rules Error specifying either of the two messages detailed below, you may now use the Submit Under Fallback option from the drop-down menu.
This option is available at your discretion, and should only be utilised during these exceptional circumstances. This is entirely down to your control, and misuse of this option will potentially cause investigation from HMRC.
Seed Unavailable Failure
If you are receiving the Seed Unavailable Failure error, this is an error from HMRC. This issue has been raised with HMRC, and are awaiting an update on resolution. If you receive this error, you will have the option to submit under Fallback. In addition, you should contact the EMCS Helpdesk via the details below, to advise you are receiving this error:
Email: emcs.helpdesk@hmrc.gov.uk
Telephone: 0300 200 3700
If you are receiving the Unauthorised error, this means there is an issue with your authorisation in e-Customs. To resolve this error, you need to check your Government Gateway user that was used to authorise the e-Customs software. If this account is not an ADMINISTRATOR account, or not linked to your Excise Reference Number (GBWK/GBRC), your connection will not work. Until you are able to resolve this issue, you will have the option to submit under Fallback, however, you should prioritise fixing your authorisation and avoid Fallback where possible.