31 May is Brexit Grant application deadline
Contact Albacore if you need assistance with your grant application.
End of Intermediaries Grant Scheme
As part of an £8 million investment to support training and automation in the customs intermediaries sector, a £5 million grant scheme opened in December 2018, lasting until 31 May 2019. With the deadline for applications approaching, we’re asking that you remind your clients/members of the funding available through the grant.
The grant is available to support customs intermediaries and traders with training and IT costs ahead of the UK leaving the EU. Increased capacity in this sector will be important whatever our future relationship with the EU.
We would particularly like to encourage applications for the training grants. These are available to intermediaries and traders completing customs declarations, or intending to complete customs declarations in the future. The training grant could be used to support a business that is extending and taking on new staff, or to help train an existing employee to start completing customs declarations for the company. Training can be delivered by an external provider, or an in-house trainer.
The grant can also be used towards the cost of the new modular customs declarations training course which was launched in March as part of the Government’s wider investment in the sector.
More information on how businesses can apply, and a link to the online application page are available on GOV.UK. We encourage any interested businesses to register on the grant application page no later than Friday 24 May to allow time to complete their application by the deadline.